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ID No : | 623 Edit |
Title: | Moonshot: A Combined Raman/LIBS Instrument for Lunar Exploration |
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Dutch MoonShot program, LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy), Raman fingerprint spectra, all in one payload for analyzing planetary surface material.
"Developments such as the rise of commercial so-called 'space travel' companies show that the world is at the threshold of a new age of space exploration ('Space 2.0'). Coinciding with the transition from Space 1.0 to Space 2.0, a new phase of commercial lunar exploration ('Moon 2.0') was initiated by the announcement of the Google Lunar X Prize. Participation in Moon 2.0 requires a new approach for conducting space projects as schedules are tight, additional and non-traditional risks are involved, and new types of requirements are imposed on scientific payloads. MoonShot is a project led by the Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO, with partners from industry and university planetary science research centers in the Netherlands, that aims to provide a combined Raman/LIBS instrument as scientific payload for planetary (e.g. Moon 2.0 lunar) exploration missions." (Author's abstract) |
Author(s) : |
Laan, E. C.; Wielders, A.; Heiligers, M. J.; vanWestrenen, W., [NASA (Unspecified Center)] |
Publication Date: | 2009 |
Category(s) : |
Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Probes Exploration and resources / Lunar / Probes |
Progress Type: | DT ( A=Analysis only, D=Design, T=Testing, C=Completed or Commercial product ) |
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NTRS : | 20110012638 |
Submitted by : | MEP |
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