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Date | T | Library | Title | Author(s) | Category(s) |
1996 | P | P | A Concept of Driving On [An] Orbital Station |
Malenkov, M.. Gorbunov, V. Vladykin, S. Zhivoglotov, V. Syromyatnikov, V. Beglov, R. |
1993 | P | P | Adapting Small Robots for Autonomous Planetary Exploration |
Lurio, Charles A. Binzel, Richard P. |
1996 | P | P | Issues of Landing on Near Earth Asteroids |
Scheeres, D.J. Hudson, R.S. |
1997 | P | P | The Sojourner Experience and the Future of Robots on Mars |
Shirley, Donna |
1997 | P | P | Sub-Kilogram Intelligent Robots for Asteroid Exploration and Exploitation (Presentation and Demonstration) |
Behar, Alberto Bekey, George Friedman, George |
1993 | P | P | Space Robotics Programs at Sandia National Laboratories |
Klarer, P. |
1993 | P | P | Short-Period Comets |
Weissman, Paul R. Campins, Humberto |
1996 | P | P | REGA (Regolith Evolved Gas Analyzer) |
McKay, David S. Allen, Carlton C. |
2009 | L,U | Moonshot: A Combined Raman/LIBS Instrument for Lunar Exploration |
Laan, E. C.; Wielders, A.; Heiligers, M. J.; vanWestrenen, W. |
2010 | L,U | Lightweight Low Force Rotary Percussive Coring Tool for Planetary Applications |
Hironaka, Ross; Stanley, Scott |
2010 | L,U | Miniaturized Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope for In Situ Planetary Studies |
Gaskin, Jessica; Abbott, Terry; Medley, Stephanie; Gregory, Don; Thaisen, Kevin; Taylor , Lawrence; Ramsey, Brian; Jerman, Gregory; Sampson, Allen; Harvey, Ralph |
2010 | L,U | The Multispectral Microscopic Imager: Integrating Microimaging with Spectroscopy for the In-Situ Exploration of the Moon |
Nunez, J. I.; Farmer, J. D.; Sellar, R. G.; Allen, Carlton C. |
2010 | L,U | Rapid Active Sampling Package |
Peters, Gregory |
2009 | L,U | Development of a Silicon Drift Detector Array: An X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for Remote Surface Mapping |
Gaskin, Jessica A.; Carini, Gabriella A.; Wei, Chen; Elsner, Ronald F.; Kramer, Georgiana; De Geronimo, Gianluigi; Keister, Jeffrey W.; Zheng, Li; Ramsey, Brian D.; Rehak, Pavel; Siddons, D. Peter |