In all geologic time, the responsibilities are on our generation ... including you ...

The PERMANENT book was published way back in 1998, so there is information in it which is very outdated, but it still provides a basic introduction to near Earth asteroids, lunar resources, how to mine them, space colonies, etc. We still have a limited supply in stock, in case you like to read a paper book, and for some people it has become a collector's item.


The PERMANENT book has been very well received by both the professional and layman communities.
Indeed, here's what the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke wrote in an unsolicited letter in the paper mail
about the PERMANENT book by Mark Prado:

    "... I'm very impressed by the depth and scope of your book ... There's a great deal of
    interest in space habitats and commerce ... I'll pass your book on to my collaborator..."

A description of the book is given below. It is no longer for sale because it's outdated, but I still have stacks for anybody who wants a copy for archival purposes, or who is okay to just read its parts which are not and will not be outdated. I just don't feel right about selling it without caveats about its age. There are no plans (yet) for an updated book, as focus is on the website now in the internet age.

THE FOLLOWING IS ALL OUTDATED, but left here for archival purposes.


The purpose of this page [was] to announce the publication of a new book on near future space development. You can "try before you buy" by previewing the contents of the book at:

PERMANENT is an acronym for Projects to Employ Resources of the Moon and Asteroids Near Earth in the Near Term.

The book, titled "PERMANENT", by Mark Prado (see brief bio below), covers near future, large scale development of space using materials already in space -- asteroids near Earth and the Moon -- rather than expensively blasting it all up from Earth. After all, the Europeans who settled America didn't ship over their bricks and cement.

Emphasis is placed on explaining the basic concepts and issues for layman advocates and managers to understand, relevant events and institutional resources to date, and the next stage -- private sector development of space resources -- supported by practical near term products and services in space. Make no mistake -- the next space race will be between multinationals, not between governments.

Covered in the book:

  • Asteroids near Earth, and how they will be mined and processed

  • Lunar resources, including coverage of the recent discovery and geological assessment of polar ice

  • Products and services to be manufactured and deployed in Earth orbit, e.g.:

  • Giant communications satellites and platforms, which will make the next generation (e.g., Iridium, Teledesic) obsolete, with PERMANENT-related satellites delivering global cellular communications to handheld devices or portable computers independent of local service provider relays

  • Large solar cell power utilities and wireless power transmission for powering large satellites, electric powered interorbital transport vehicles, space stations, factories, and eventually economies on Earth with clean energy (Solar Power Satellites) after bootstrapping

  • Fuel propellants for all transportation operations in space (satellite deployment, stationkeeping, repairs … and infrastructure -- going out for materials prospecting and retrieval, construction operations … and all other in-space transportation)

  • Walls, beams, fit-outs, etc., for space construction

  • Large space hotels (for tourism) and space colonies (for workers and Earth suburbanites)

  • Giant radio and optical telescopes where they belong -- in space, not under the atmosphere and on a gravity-constraining planetary surface

  • Research and development to date -- known relevant research and development entities in this field, and known entities interested in exploiting space resources who are potential joint venture partners

  • The business plan of newly-formed PERMANENT Space Resources, Inc., a company looking for business partners in this emerging boom field as well as consulting clients

The book is 275 pages, of size A4 (8.5 x 11 inches), and is paperback. The book is shipping by air to anywhere in the world.

What makes this book different?

This book is not one that just predicts the far future from the sitting point of an armchair intellectual. While it has a fascinating and entertaining vision with many pictures, it is all on the immediate future, the next steps required to get there, and ways you can get involved in making this happen in your generation, now.

Out of all geologic time in Earth's history, it is OUR generation that will get life off of the planetary cradle! Immortality is also a race against time, as we develop the technology to destroy our species, e.g., biological weapons, or inadvertantly engineering a virus to make it deadly (like Ebola) and spread much more easily, or nanotechnology self-replicators running amok. Already, we are destroying life on Earth out of greed, making extinct a significant percentage of Earth's species in a matter of only a hundred years. We need to develop space, and move some kinds of biotechnology experiments outside of our biosphere, as well as much of industry.

This book is about free enterprise space development -- space commercialization, industrialization and real colonization. You don't need to work for NASA to become involved. You can send us e-mail and get in on the ground level to do this as a private multinational.

Just as the internet was on the fringe in the 1980s but became the boom industry with many of the best stocks of the 1990s, space resources is poised for the next decade's cutting edge sector. The most dynamic and fascinating part of the space program has yet to come, and it will unfold in the first decade of the 21st century.

If you are going to have a chance of getting involved in this process, you need to know things in this book as a prerequisite. This is your chance, and there's no good reason to wait.

The book introduces you to an understanding of the basics, then the current research and development entities and resources, and issues that businesses need to understand for implementing the next steps. No other book exists on the market which takes this practical, near-term and implementational approach. However, like certain other books on the same general subject, this one is written for the layman. Technical information deemed beyond the scope of the 275 page book was set aside for the advanced website, but that information won't be worth much unless you understand what's in the book.

If you are a researcher, then I suggest you also consider forwarding a copy of this notice to your associates and library so that others will appreciate the relevancy of your work.

Many kinds of people will be needed outside of the present NASA-contracting community. We will need professionals experienced in mining, materials processing, manufacturing, construction, project management, and of course finance and investments. We will also need agronomists, waste management specialists, all kinds of secretarial and other support staff, and good public relations people. Those who get involved early will be better positioned for the rest of their careers.

The business model will not be a conventional American aerospace one, and we will not need many rocket scientists at all. The business model will be one akin to multinational mining and manufacturing in remote places on Earth -- simply transplanting it to space.

Who is the author?

Mark Prado is an American physicist who worked in advanced planning in the US space program, and who now is a consultant working overseas for multinational engineering and construction companies operating in remote parts of the world, which is akin to the business model for developing resources in remote places in space. Notably, Mr. Prado began his career working for the U.S. Patent Office (before changing work to the above two fields), which provided insider skills in applying for patents, which is crucial for private sector entities.

How to order

The PERMANENT book costs US$28.50 if shipped to anywhere in the USA, or $44 elsewhere, and we now offer the convenience of e-commerce for credit card payments (worldwide orders including U.S.) or check (U.S. only), courtesy of [payment method removed, no longer on sale, please contact the author directly if you want an archival copy].

Ordering your own copy is very simple. You just send your name, e-mail address and postal address, including zip/postal code and country, to:

Once we have received this information, we will send you a Payment Request e-mail, containing a special URL linking to an online order page on's secure servers in the U.S. You never give us any credit card or bank account details.

After you complete the online order form, will notify us the moment your transaction is approved. We will then airmail your copy of the PERMANENT book to you immediately - so make sure you give us the correct address details! (Please note: the goods and services are provided by PERMANENT, whereas they are technically sold by, Inc., of Ohio, USA, and your credit card bill will show a charge by 2CO or 2CheckOut, not PERMANENT.)

Book buyers get enhanced services on the website. For example, we keep a list of additions and changes to the website, so that you can quickly see what's new. You can access this list if you buy the book, whereby we give you a username and password. This will mean that you won't have to re-read old articles to see if there's anything new, and you won't miss anything significant that is added to the website.

Feedback from book buyers, however, is that it's simply nice to have a paperback book in hand for leisurely reading anywhere, anytime, rather than always at the computer.

I hope this is the kind of thing you want to do with your life, and that you will join us for improving life on Earth as well as for insuring the future of life from Earth.

All the best,

Mark Prado


If you are in a country with a weak currency or have a low income, then we might consider sending you a book at no cost to you if you have a useful small service you can barter in return. > PERMANENT: Who, What, How > The PERMANENT Book

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Reasons to do something yourself:

  • It will help save life on our special planet -- be part of the solution in your generation.
  • It will create and secure a better future for your children and grandchildren.
  • It could be an interesting, cool, and a fun adventure for your life!

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If you really much prefer to send by cryptocurrency, then you can donate into a wallet of any of our cryptocoins, though this is our least preferable way to receive donations ..., so please donate this way only if it's really much more convenient or feasible for you. The wallets are included in my cryptocoin critiques opinion page.

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PERMANENT needs a PHP / MySQL (actually, MariaDB) programmer. Are you a PHP / MySQL programmer interested in getting into space development as a career, or already working in space development? Or do you know somebody else who might be interested?

This is a volunteer, unpaid role at this point in time. A limited paid role would be considered on a tight budget, such as for at least bug fixing with some minor improvements, and/or a security review of our code before it goes online publicly. If you or one of your friends or associates may be interested, please send an email to spaceprogrammer at ... of course this domain.

To get updates on PERMANENT (occasional, not frequent), get on our mailing list.

For general or specific e-mail regarding PERMANENT, please use our Feedback page.

Leave information about yourself in our people, companies, and organizations database.

If you are interested in hiring our expertise, anywhere in the world, please contact us.
We have people in the USA and Thailand, and can travel or consult by internet.
You can call anytime, 24/7, at +66-8-1135-7977

Text by Mark Prado, Copyright © 1983-2025, All Rights Reserved.
Many website artistic design elements by Sam Fraser, Copyright © 1999-2025, All Rights Reserved.

Except where specifically stated otherwise,
Copyright © 1983-2025 by Mark Evan Prado, All Rights Reserved


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P rojects to E mploy R esources of the M oon
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