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ID No : 981   Edit
Title: Lunar South Pole Illumination: Review, Reassessment, and Power System Implications
Summary / Review : "This paper reviews past analyses and research related to lunar south pole illumination and presents results of independent illumination analyses using an analytical tool and a radar digital elevation model. The analysis tool enables assessment at most locations near the lunar poles for any time and any year. Average illumination fraction, energy storage duration, solar/horizon terrain elevation profiles and illumination fraction profiles are presented for various highly illuminated sites which have been identified for manned or unmanned operations. The format of the data can be used by power system designers to develop mass optimized solar and energy storage systems. Data are presented for the worse case lunar day (a critical power planning bottleneck) as well as three lunar days during lunar south pole winter. The main site under consideration by present lunar mission planners (on the Crater Shackleton rim) is shown to have, for the worse case lunar day, a 0.71 average illumination fraction and 73 to 117 hours required for energy storage (depending on power system type). Linking other sites and including towers at either site are shown to not completely eliminate the need for energy storage." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Fincannon, James, [Glenn Research Center]
Publication Date: 2007
Category(s) : Exploration and resources / Lunar / Mapping
Bases, industry and manufacturing / Power / Lunar polar
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NTRS : 20070034951
Other Ref # : NASA/TM-2007-215025, AIAA Paper-2007-4700, E-16219
Submitted by : MEP
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