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ID No : 902   Edit
Title: Behavioral Health and Performance (BHP) Standing Review Panel (SRP) Final Report
Summary / Review : "The first meeting of the Behavioral Health and Performance (BHP) Standing Review Panel (SRP) was held in Houston, TX on November 1-3, 2009. Our task was to assess the Integrated Research Plan (IRP) related to the fields covered in the SRP charge (see section VIII). Having considered and discussed the extensive materials distributed prior to the meeting, and the highly informative briefings by the NASA BHP Human Research Program (HRP) personnel during the site visit, the SRP agreed that the IRP is comprehensive and was developed carefully. Question and answer periods with the presenters were particularly productive and helpful to the SRP. The presenters' willingness to share information and positive responses to the SRP's suggestions were greatly appreciated. Although the IRP and related documents are impressive, the SRP does have a number of recommendations regarding both the overall plan and its component parts." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Suedfeld, Peter; Bootzin, Richard; Harvey, Allison; Leon, Gloria; Musson, David; Oltmanns, Thomas; Paulus, Martin, [Johnson Space Center]
Publication Date: 2010
Category(s) : Life / Psychology, sociology, performance
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NTRS : 20100004763
Other Ref # : JSC-CN-19726
Submitted by : MEP
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