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ID No : 866   Edit
Title: Hypervelocity Impact Testing of IM7/977-3 with Micro-Sized Particles
Summary / Review : "Ground-based hypervelocity imapct testing was conducted on IM7/977-3 quasi-isotropic flat panels at normal incidence using micron-sized particles (i.e. less than or equal to 100 microns) of soda lime glass and olivine. Testing was performed at room temperature (RT) and 175 C with results from the 175 C test compared to those obtained at RT. Between 10 and 30 particles with velocities ranging from 5 to 13 km/s impacted each panel surface for each test temperature. Panels were ultrasonically scanned prior to and after impact testing to assess internal damage. Post-impact analysis included microscopic examination of the surface, determination of particle speed and location, and photomicroscopy for microcrack assessment. Internal damage was observed by ultrasonic inspection on panels impacted at 175 C, whereas damage for the RT impacted panels was confined to surface divets/craters as determined by microscopic analysis." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Smith, J. G.; Jegley, D. C.; Siochi, E. J.; Wells, B. K., [Langley Research Center]
Publication Date: 2010
Category(s) : Environment / Orbital space
Products / Shielding
Progress Type: T ( A=Analysis only, D=Design, T=Testing, C=Completed or Commercial product )
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NTRS : 20100015640
Other Ref # : AIAA Paper 2010-2647, NF1676L-9225
Submitted by : MEP
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