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ID No : 738   Edit
Title: Extraction of Thermal Performance Values from Samples in the Lunar Dust Adhesion Bell Jar
Summary / Review : "A simulation chamber has been developed to test the performance of thermal control surfaces under dusty lunar conditions. The lunar dust adhesion bell jar (LDAB) is a diffusion pumped vacuum chamber (10(exp -8) Torr) built to test material samples less than about 7 cm in diameter. The LDAB has the following lunar dust simulant processing capabilities: heating and cooling while stirring in order to degas and remove adsorbed water; RF air-plasma for activating the dust and for organic contaminant removal; RF H/He-plasma to simulate solar wind; dust sieving system for controlling particle sizes; and a controlled means of introducing the activated dust to the samples under study. The LDAB is also fitted with an in situ Xe arc lamp solar simulator, and a cold box that can reach 30 K. Samples of thermal control surfaces (2.5 cm diameter) are introduced into the chamber for calorimetric evaluation using thermocouple instrumentation. The object of this paper is to present a thermal model of the samples under test conditions and to outline the procedure to extract the absorptance, emittance, and thermal efficiency from the pristine and sub-monolayer dust covered samples." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Gaier, James R.; Siamidis, John; Larkin, Elizabeth M. G., [Glenn Research Center]
Publication Date: 2010
Category(s) : Environment / Lunar / Dust
Bases, industry and manufacturing / Power / Thermal / Radiators
Progress Type: AT ( A=Analysis only, D=Design, T=Testing, C=Completed or Commercial product )
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NTRS : 20100039312
Other Ref # : NASA/TM-2010-216828, E-16670-1
Submitted by : MEP
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