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ID No : 673   Edit
Summary / Review : "The first two prototype lunar regolith simulants were to replicate characteristics of the lunar highlands. A major change from initial plans was to use an estimate of typical Apollo 16 highland material rather than a specific core. This change was compatible with project objectives and necessitated by the lack of adequate data from a single core. To make the initial simulant, a crystalline component and a glass component were deemed necessary. Lithic feedstocks were obtained with the assistance of the Stillwater Mining Company. The mixing of the rock constituents was done based on normative mineralogy rather than modal mineralogy. This was done to simplify development. A major design decision was not to attempt simulation of the range of glass chemistries observed in Apollo samples. A single glass was assumed to be adequate for engineering purposes for which the simulant would be used. Glass was made in a process developed at Zybek Advanced Products of Boulder, Colorado. Mill sand was used as the feedstock for this process. A second generation of the simulant was made that incorporated the additional minerals apatite, synthetic whitlockite, and pyrite. The olivine source was changed to the commercially produced Twin Sisters Dunite, and a pseudo-agglutinate product was invented and added to the -2M product. The pseudo-agglutinate captures all of the lunar agglutinate features but does not attempt to incorporate nanophase Fe." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Stoeser, D.; Rickman, D.; Wilson, S., [Marshall Space Flight Center]
Publication Date: 2011
Category(s) : Exploration and resources / Lunar / Simulants
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NTRS : 20110008071
Other Ref # : NASA/TM-2010-216438, M-1287
Submitted by : MEP
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