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ID No : 661   Edit
Title: Microwave Processing of Planetary Surfaces for the Extraction of Volatiles
Summary / Review : "In-Situ Resource Utilization will be necessary for sustained exploration of space. Volatiles are present in planetary soils, but water by far has the most potential for effective utilization. The presence of water at the lunar poles, Mars, and possibly on Phobos opens the possibility of producing LOX for propellant. Water is also a useful radiation shielding material , and valuable to replenish expendables (water and oxygen) required for habitation in space. Because of the strong function of water vapor pressure with temperature, heating soil effectively liberates water vapor by sublimation. Microwave energy will penetrate soil and heat from within much more efficiently than heating from the surface with radiant heat. This is especially true under vacuum conditions since the heat transfer rate is very low. The depth of microwave penetration is a strong function of the microwave frequency and to a lesser extent on soil dielectric properties. Methods for complex electric permittivity and magnetic permeability measurement are being developed and used for measurements of lunar soil simulants. A new method for delivery of microwaves deep into a planetary surface is being prototyped with laboratory experiments and modeled with COMSOL MultiPhysics. We are planning to set up a planetary testbed in a large vacuum chamber in the coming year. Recent results are discussed." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Ethridge, Edwin C.; Kaukler, William, [Marshall Space Flight Center]
Publication Date: 2011
Category(s) : Bases, industry and manufacturing / Resource processing and outputs / Volatile extraction
Bases, industry and manufacturing / Mining / Lunar / Volatiles
Progress Type: ADT ( A=Analysis only, D=Design, T=Testing, C=Completed or Commercial product )
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NTRS : 20110008703
Other Ref # : M11-0156
Submitted by : MEP
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