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ID No : 601   Edit
Title: Lunar Mining: Knowns, Unknowns, Challenges, and Technologies
Summary / Review : "Humans have mined rock and soil for more than 300,000 years [1]. The first mining technology was digging tools shaped from antler, bone, wood, and rock [2],[3]. Today's mines rely on global positioning satellites, semi-automated machines, and explosives. Lunar and planetary mines will use technology derived from this background and adapted for new environments. All, however, use their technologies for the same purpose: to access the desired material, and separate it from the unwanted material with which it is mixed, using the least energy or economic expenditure possible. The mining cycle. The mining cycle includes: Resource assessment. Resource extraction. Resource beneficiation. Mine closure Mining unit operations. Every mining method must achieve these unit operations. How they are achieved, and their difficulty, depend on the material of interest, its surroundings, and numerous other environmental characteristics. The unit operations are: Fragmentation - breaking material from its in situ surroundings. Excavation - picking up and loading the fragmented pieces. Material handling - hauling as needed. Beneficiation - onsite preparation of the mined material for further processing or for use." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Gertsch, L. S., [NASA (Unspecified Center)]
Publication Date: 2009
Category(s) : Bases, industry and manufacturing / Mining / Lunar
Progress Type: A ( A=Analysis only, D=Design, T=Testing, C=Completed or Commercial product )
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NTRS : 20110012796
Submitted by : MEP
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