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ID No : 1028   Edit
Title: Human Performance in Extreme Environments
Summary / Review : "Even on a bad day, looking down from orbit is a powerful and enjoyable experience, enhanced by the knowledge that time in orbit represents only a tiny fraction of one's life. You look down at Earth and you feel a sense of peace and solidarity. You look at the stars, and because they are not obscured by atmosphere, they are far more abundant than you realized, and they shine very bright. Later on you will reflect on this as one of life's greatest moments. Today astronauts and a few wealthy space tourists have been able to experience staying on the International Space Station. As representatives of humankind in space, astronauts have to get out there and tell people what it's like, and to encourage successive generations of children to consider careers in space. Perhaps the more people who can experience this view, the nicer we will all be to one another. Astronauts must speak authoritatively, without arrogance or a lack of humility. Each astronaut is an emissary who can share his or her experiences and educate people who will not have the opportunity to fly in space. This chapter is a part of that communication process." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Williams, Sunita; Fiedler, Edna R.; Harrison, Albert A., [Johnson Space Center]
Publication Date: 2008
Category(s) : Life / Psychology, sociology, performance
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NTRS : 20090004160
Submitted by : MEP
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