In all geologic time, the responsibilities are on our generation ... including you ...

Elon Musk, Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Viewpoint

What I'm going to write here might result in some potential donors changing their minds and not donating, and some True Believers in the idealism of cryptocurrencies developing a negative emotional reaction and attitude towards me, but I'm going to tell it the way it is anyway, as I see it from emperical experience and analysis.

I am considerably experienced in this field both technically and commercially, and as a result I am not an enthusiast about cryptocurrency speculation. I can see a lot of good blockchain applications and the potential for some cryptocurrencies, but not Bitcoin nor Dogecoin.

I am very dismayed that Elon Musk has associated himself so publicly with Dogecoin and Bitcoin in particular, and am afraid that if/when these tank in the future, it may significantly impact perceptions of Musk and the value of stock in his companies. Their crypto holdings are relatively very small in comparison. I hope that Musk comes cleaner about crypto before then.

Most people don't know and won't care about the serious technical and practical issues of cryptocoins scaling up to widespread commercial use in paying for day-to-day goods and services on a large scale in the mainstream economy.

Most cryptocoin holders just want to go to the simple casinos like Binance and Coinbase and others and buy and sell to try to get rich quick and easy without needing to work.

If you start to talk about the technical issues, most won't bother to try to understand anyway. So many people just go by the short and simple tweets of Elon Musk, and want to read and believe the simple writings of simpleton journalists and other nontechies who write wonderful things about cryptocurrencies without discussing their limitations.

I have experimented with cryptocurrencies for actually buying and selling goods and services going back to 2013, and soon figured out from experience some reasons vendors weren't accepting crypto, or start to because it was popular but quickly stopped taking it after some experience, and why mainstream usage still isn't happening after all these years and hype. I stopped using cryptocurrencies for the most part in 2014, dumped a lot of it, or gave it away. However, I occasionally help somebody else such as a newcomer enthusiast to try to get an update on things.

I suspect that many journalists own a considerable amount of cryptocurrencies ...

I will not waste the time of my life on cryptocurrencies, nor deal with the stresses, nor lose any sleep. I will spend the time and efforts of my life focused on doing real things in the world.

If you send us cryptocurrencies, then we would be very appreciative and grateful, and some very close associates can cash them in on exchanges (convert to fiat), or else hold them awhile if you advise we do so.

Why Dogecoin is a Hustle

How to export and import Multidoge private key to Dogecoin Core or Exodus. > z-nonmenu-pages > Elon Musk, Dogecoin and Bitcoin

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If you really much prefer to send by cryptocurrency, then you can donate into a wallet of any of our cryptocoins, though this is our least preferable way to receive donations ..., so please donate this way only if it's really much more convenient or feasible for you. The wallets are included in my cryptocoin critiques opinion page.

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Text by Mark Prado, Copyright © 1983-2025, All Rights Reserved.
Many website artistic design elements by Sam Fraser, Copyright © 1999-2025, All Rights Reserved.

Except where specifically stated otherwise,
Copyright © 1983-2025 by Mark Evan Prado, All Rights Reserved


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P rojects to E mploy R esources of the M oon
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