Donate to a Humanistic Cause - Please Contribute
If you want to contribute to evolutionary progress in our generation, help secure the immortality of life from Earth, and become a part of changes in our universe, here is a chance to donate to a key humanistic cause. We are at a key moment in geological time in which man can technologically destroy himself (and possibly life of Earth) -- in our generation -- if we do not get life into space self-sufficiently and independently outside of our only biosphere today.
This is also about the future of our children and grandchildren.
There are many potentially great things which humans can do, and which we can invest in, but all our dreams of the future for ourselves and our children and descendants won't matter if we make ourselves extinct by technological progress into some dangerous areas of biotechnology within our biosphere.
It is actually the responsibility of our generation.
It's not a war, it's a defense of another kind, as well as an awesome future we can build together, and you CAN become a part of it, a part of history.
Your decision is now -- either go down in history as an individual taking some responsibility by supporting this step, or else think only about yourself as another selfish animal with an excuse and rationalization. Just saying it the way it is ...
We collect the names of those who want to go down in the digital record of history as part of the solution (taking responsibility), rather than part of the problem (e.g., just another self-centered hedonistic mouse potato).
It's not enough to say "Hey, I knew about that in the beginning." To know but do nothing is questionable. The question is "Did you *DO* something in 2025"?!?!? With the advent of the internet, you can go down in digital history every day, including your opinions, actions ... and inaction when you could have. Anybody can talk the talk, but who walks the walk?
"Yeah, I read about that on the internet in 2025!" ... and maybe talked about it with friends ... yeah, BUT what did you DO? To have known but done nothing is worse than to have just been ignorant.
There are two ways you can help out:
- Give us some of your quality time and effort, or
- Make a small donation to this humanistic cause
Option 1: Contribute Some Quality Time and Effort
You do not need to send money in order to participate in PERMANENT and be a member.
If you have a key skill that you're willing to volunteer, that's ideal, as that would streamline things whereby we don't need to raise money and then hire you. If and when we do get a major donation, then you would be one of the first in line for consideration of hiring, if your working relationship with us, familiarity with our system, and productivity are good.
We do not pressure volunteers of any level of skill to send us money. However, we ask that if you want to participate and take our time in dialogue, then you be serious about following through on anything that you may say you will do at some time. We've had countless people talk a lot and then flake out when it comes time to actually do something useful. People can always find excuses ... especially once the novelty of "consuming" our information turns into a task of "producing" something. It's good to "belong" to a cutting edge group, but if you never produce then it is a loss to the team's time invested in you and thus a drain on the project.
We have a well thought out "To Do List" and can suggest some things, after we get to know you, in order to choose something appropriate to your skills, time, and level of commitment.
You can review some of the things we need in subsections of this section. Please see the menu tree or else the list of child sections near the bottom of this page.
If you wish to get into our database of contacts, and/or if want to volunteer, please fill out our contacts and volunteers database form.
We don't want to reinvent the wheel. Our focus is on helping to create and maintain an emerging lunar polar and asteroid mining space economy comprised of multiple companies and investors.
Already, there are far more than enough engineers, government contractors, and political advocates. We are not looking for more of them, we are looking to help organize and focus people, both old timers and newcomers, to create synergies, as well as to prevent "reinvention of the wheel" and wastes of precious time and energy which occurs all too often, and to be a catalyst for new projects. There are many projects that never get off the ground for various reasons, and we are here to make a difference.
In short, we explore various ways of working with other organizations and individuals in mutually beneficial and equitable ways, and are filling some of the critical gaps in the field today, mainly in developing viable mission scenarios for the private sector, and helping new entities come up to speed in the field.
If you have too little time and availability, please visit our Budget page for ways you can contribute in substantive ways quickly.
Otherwise, if you wish to get into our database of contacts, and/or if want to volunteer, please fill out our contacts and volunteers database form.
Option 2: Donate
If you don't have useful skills or the time to apply them to something concrete, then you can donate to this humanistic cause.
To date, the founder, artist, and most others have worked for free (1985-date), indeed foregone other income to work on PERMANENT, but we need help with operating expenses, at the very least. With extra generosity from others in the world, we could do a whole lot more, quickly.
If you wish to donate or otherwise engage us, then please contact the PERMANENT founder, Mark Prado, at his personal website at
Mobile phone +66-8-1135-7977 which includes the chat/voice/video call apps WhatsApp and LINE
or via Mark's personal website at